Friday, June 21, 2013

How do I describe today?

I have to try to be brief, and to describe as much as I can of an overwhelming day. This may come as a series of disconnected images, but I will have to write more details as I have time.

Today in Rome

It is hot, crowded, way too much traffic. Tourists around the coliseum as if they are attacking it. Guys in gladiator costumes, one approaches me in a a friendly but aggressive way, trying to have our pic taken. I know from reading he will ask for a lot of money and beg off, he shrugs. Coliseum is awesome, we peak in but do not pay admission, too many tourists. Same with the Forum, but there is a point where you can see the whole scene... astonishingly beautiful. Walked up to the Capital Hill, where we could look out over the city... more domed churches and monuments than I can describe, and tourists. Astonishing view. I gather this was a center of Roman power which fell into disrepair after the Empire collapsed, then was restored by a Renaissance pope, and more so after Italian unification in the late 1800s. Mussolini had a hand in this, too,

Wandering through the area...  plazas that have fountains with complex statues, winding alleys of all colors - some dating to Middle Ages. Pantheon: built as a temple to all Roman gods around 20 BC, restored as a Christian church around 700, and it is still a church. Domed structure supported by pillars, some original, Opening at top of the dome lets sunlight in, and it acts as a solar clock.

Passed through neighborhoods famous for being in "La Dolce Via" and "The Bicycle Thief". Feeling exhausted by 4, made our way to the Tiber River, and walked on a hiking path that passed ruins of an ancient port. There are weird ducks in this river that turn backwards and let the current carry them downstream, I have never seen a bird do that. Excellent dinner of ricotta and spinach ravioli in an egg and nutmeg sauce. Now we are home, hot, tired, and astounded.

Rome is fantastic, but Rick Steves (the budget travel guy) mentions that first time visitors sometimes find two days to be enough. This seems to be true for us. We do hope to come back for a deeper look one day... but not in summer!!!

Tomorrow we leave for Florence, I will try to check in tomorrow evening.

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