Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Have to be quick

The computer in our B&B in Venice is broken, and internet cafes are expensive, so this will be quick. Venice, is romantic, beautiful, blissfully free of cars, full of surprises, full of tourists and expensive shops. The main square, St. Marks, is spectacular and stampeded with tourists. We have spent most of our time on back streets, discovered some very interesting art exhibits. It is interesting, this is a tourist town but also has quite a bit of work a day Italy. I will provide details later, the rate for this computer is rising rapidly. Definetly come here, but be willing to explore back streets, you will find some wonderful surprises.

I wanted to mention that at the concert in Florence in the town square, the night of the Marathon, there was a symphony orchestra that suddenly broke into ... the theme from "The Good, the Bad, and the  Ugly". I am not kidding.

We are ready for the mountains, Alps tomorrow! I will write from there when I find a computer. We will be in the town of Balzano. Ciao.

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