Monday, August 1, 2011

Chesepeake Bay area

We've been reading poetry and trying to figure out the sad state of the world with marcus and Betty's help. It is ridiculously HOT, but there is a creek behind their cabin where we can swin (need to go do that soon), and will canoe today. People here are amazingly friendly. Today while I fumbled for quarters for a dryer in a laundramat, a woman came and deopsited two quarters, since she didn't give money at Church today. People talk to you in stores, from their porches, everywhere.

The Cabin abounds in birdlife: great blue herons, laughing gulls, hummingbirds, black capped chickadees, turkey vultures and cardinals, to na,e a few. We visited an island where wild horses roam free, and got some pix of them (pix are coming.) Lots of birds on the island too.

People here have always worked gathering oysters and crabs. Apparently there were territorial disputes around the 1870s, and crabbers from different states had cannons on their ships they used to blast at each other with. They'd board ships and throw each other overboard... whoa. I guess the government intervened and made them come to some agreement. They still gather the critters, but populations are down because of over-harvesting and water pollution. I guess the crab and oyster folk have agreed to quoptas...

Anyhow, we return to Baltimore tonight, and catch a train to North Carolina to see other friends... up to Pittsburgh from there. This has been some odessey! More in a day or two.

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