Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to the mundane

Ok, we are home and more rested by the day. What an adventure! This trip came together largely by default and was pieced together somewhat haphazardly. We both had doubts as it approached ... would we exhaust ourselves? Would we have enough time in places? As it turned out, we came through with flying colors. I thought we'd get sick... nope. Just tired, and reacting to the East's fabled mosquitoes. We're aging but tough. One of the points of this trip was to see how we handle extended ones, since we'd like to try more in the US and other places. I think we can handle it.

We planned this to see if there were other areas where we might try to live. Northern California is wonderful but increasingly expensive and crowded. The ever present high-tech cool attitudes get us down... We didn't spend enough time anywhere to get more than an overview. It does reenforce our belief that northern California is not the center of the universe, there are other places where we could be happy. But there is so much that is good about Northern California. Whatever shall we do?

We did have big adventures (dune climbing, whale watching, canoing, etc., andconnected with old and newer friends. Again, Air B&B gets the highest recommendation from both of us, there is an article in this.

Our last few days were in Pittsburgh with family. I didn't have much time to post from there since my great nephew and nieces demanded much of my time... that was great. There were also Belz family issues to focus on. We did connect with relatives. Pittsburgh is a really fine town in many ways, but they are slashing public transit and the traffic is unbelievable... I think Kate and I would both have nervous breakdowns, coming from our lack of love for driving. But we will spend time there, and I will write about it in more depth.

Ok... I do have many photos I want to post. Since returning, I have become the proud owner of a new computer. I want to get that set up, starting today... give me a week, maybe a little more, and I will post.

"The road goes ever on and on..." Tolkien

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