Sunday, January 2, 2011

Isle Mujeres

We took the ferry from Cancun and arrived here around 3:30. The Carribean is beautiful here; it is turquoise and very clear. It is great to be in a place with cool wind and clean ocean air right now!
We have not had much time to explore so far. The town is more developed and touristy than we expected. We will check out some outlying places tomorrow and Wednesday. Yes, there are lots of magnificent frigate birds!

1 comment:

rhonda said...

Hi Paul! The weather here is the same. The sandbag station at Larkey Park is set up, so they are preparing for the flooding. I am loving the rain, and I heard we are at 150%+ for water so far this year.

Yesterday we went to the CA Museum in Oakland, but the Pixar display was sold out. The history section was good - but pretty intense with a large variety of displays. Awesome Native American groups - with phones to hear their stories. The art was good too - one called "Steelhead Salmon" made me smile, and I will tell you the story later.

Speaking of smiling - your comment of Cancun being tourist rang a bell. I overheard some museum visitors say Cancun is very tourist and they prefer Costa Rica. However, I know you will send us some gorgeous shots of the outlaying areas and find adventures with those folks who prefer the real life in Mexico. :)

Talk with you later and thanks for the blog... this really is a good way to watch and learn too...besides being fun to participate in. R