Monday, January 7, 2013

Taking a break between rambling sessions...

We're back in Oakland. We took a train down from Portland yesterday. We passed through the most spectacular part of the trip, the Cascades, after dark, but we will see them in the light on our next trip. Trains are the way to travel... comfortable, spacious, and with an opportunity to walk about. A train embraces you at night, carries you through the Kerouacian darkness, past houses where people are in the kitchen at  3 AM - a mystery we;ll never have the answer to. And where are those lonely cars going at 3 AM?  When the sun rises,  coloring the horizon with paralell bands of multiple colors, it's like a tall musical chord with thousands of notes.

So... we gained many insights into what to do with our future on this ramble. No specific plans yet, but directions. The rambling will continue, watch for notification.

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