Sunday, January 4, 2009

We're alive and very well

The only computer is in our lodge's office and I don't want to tie it up, so I'll be very brief.
Yesterday we took a long bike ride through some villages and into the jungle where we saw many birds and other critters. Today we'll go to a local village in the jungle to help prepare a meal; then we'll sleep in a treehouse out there. Tomorrow we will do a combination/hike to an elephant breeding center.

We'll be back in Kathmandu in about 2.5 days, expect another past in 2 or 3 days. Again, I don't want to tie up the lodge's computer.

Actually, we are locked in our apt. in Oakland making all this up. Aren't we good story tellers? PG

1 comment:

djb said...

Sounds great so far. I had nasty end-of-year head cold, but on the mend. Looking good for Al Franken to head to the Senate, but many legal challenges in between. Richardson gone from Commerce though. Improper campaign contributions from 2004 went to grand jury. Emily being in DC is excited about inaugaration and Ben is hoping to sneak into the District for the day. Keep on keepin' on! DJB