Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Solstice.

Today we took a long hike to Bald Hill, a lovely, wooded park outsidee of Corvalis. We had to wall through an agricultural research area where we met a black llama who came to the fence to watch us... the tag around his neck said his name is "Mystery Man". It was a cold, foggy day, but this is nice... the chill takes you to your winter soul. We crossed a covered bridge and hiked on Bald Hill, where oaks are covered with damp lichens, and wild fungi emerged from the soil. Robins were dashing among berry producing shrubs, feasting. A red shouldered hawk called, "Pyou! Pyou!Pyou!" while a stellar's jay offered its hoarse imitation of a red tailed hawk, "Pyoooooouuuuuuu!!!!" The Oregon Coastal Mountains were wrapped in fog. As we hiked back to town, several hundred dusky geese flew overhead, calling.

We had dinner at a small place called Happy Planet. Kate enjoyed a Che Guevera Burrito.... plantains, sweet potatoes and spices... very nice. I had a Soylent Green bowl... kale and spinach on quinoa, with shitake mnushroom sauce. Yum! It was a really funky place, with posters of Robert Crumb's cartoons (including Mr. natural and Flakey Floont.) Far out!

WE passed a brewery that had Figgy Pudding Ale... too much to resist. It was dark and spicy... I can't say it tasted like like figs, but it was quite good. I got into a long conversation about beer with another customer... I know little about beer but enjoy it. This is the kind of town where this happens.

Enjoy the longest night!

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