Monday, December 21, 2009

The Sylvia Beach Hotel

Yeah--- as I just mentioned on Facebook, Sylvia Beach founded Shakespeare and Company Books in Paris in the 1920s, so this is a great name for a seaside literary B&B.
There is a Hemingway room, one for F. Scott Fitzgerald, one for Gertrude Stein - denizens of Shakespeare and Company. Also Tennessee Williams, Melville, Virginia Wolfe (the room is called "A Roof of One's Own", of course) and many more. We have the Tolkien room which includes the riddles Gollum and Bilbo asked each other painted on the door, murals of Middle Earth forests, a mushroom shaped lamp and a painting of Sauron's tower on the bathroom wall and more. Lots of fun except for the orcs stomping through and someone hissing "Preciousssss..."

The hotel has a board game and reading room with windows facing the ocean. They serve free hot spiced wine at night - we only had a little, it was good. The coast itself is amazing this time of year. It is cold and rainy and windy, indeed, and very beautiful.
We are in the town of Newport, btw - heading for Yachuts (sp?) down the coast for a few days shortly. Happy winter solstice, have a cup of hot spiced wine.

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